Convert global salaries to offer a competitive pay

Our global salary converter helps to compare international IT salaries and calculates the total cost of employment in Germany. Visualize your offer when hiring international IT talents.

Convert salary by entering data above.

€70k German average IT
gross salary p.a.
€42k German average IT
net salary p.a.
Female recruiter video chatting with candidate
Female recruiter video chatting with candidate

Salary comparison

On average, the gross annual salaries for developers and engineers in Germany fall within the salary range of:

Salary range

Average monthly expenses

With an average monthly gross IT salary of €5,800, the take-home pay of your employee after deductions is €3,550. The primary living expenses in Germany typically include:

€1,303 Housing
€564 Groceries
€391 Transportation
€323 Entertainment

How we calculate

To determine an equivalent salary in Germany, we use purchasing power parity to compare the current cost of living with the cost of living in Germany. Calculating the purchasing power parity gives us a German net salary.

At Nioomi, we rely on the latest Federal Ministry of Finance data to calculate the gross salary and the employer's social contributions leading to the total compensation. It's worth noting that the final calculation may have slight variations since we don't take into account factors such as specific federal states or religious affiliation.

The Federal Statistical Office collects data on the monthly net household income and the related living expenses of private households on an annual basis. We utilize this information to estimate the expected cost of living in Germany.

Global compensation management

When companies shift to hiring international talents, they often face a surprising challenge: how to benchmark salaries globally. Salary benchmarking can be difficult enough between cities within one Country, but the additional complexity of compensating international workers can be daunting.

Global salary benchmarking, also known as global compensation benchmarking, compares one company's job descriptions and pay ranges to similar jobs in other organizations, salary differences between countries, taxes, non-wage costs, and purchasing power parity.

With our global payroll calculator, you can easily compare international salaries and calculate taxes and other expenses to optimize hiring offers and make informed decisions when hiring international talents.

Consistently accurate and up-to-date, Nioomi's unique salary comparison calculator helps businesses to visualize where your new offer stands compared to the market and candidates' expectations.

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