Global hiring

Top 9 countries for hiring tech talent

8 min read

Germany faces a significant shortage of 137,000 IT and tech experts. Discover the best countries for global hiring to bridge this gap.

Andrea Roth Last updated on June 27, 2023
Hands holding various colored light bulbs

Why is global talent acquisition important?

In 2023, the Germany IT services and software industry boasts over 1.1 million employees, illustrating its significant scale and importance. However, Germany faces an annual shortage of 137,000 tech specialists, a trend magnified by demographic shifts and a scarcity of young talent entering the field.

Number of employees in the IT industry in Germany (in 1,000)

Chart of employees in the IT industry in Germany
*Figures for 2022 and 2023 are forecasts; Bitkom (January 2023)

Recognizing the necessity for a diverse workforce and its immense potential, the local economy, spanning from industry giants to startups and SMEs, has embraced the concept of hiring abroad.

For international tech recruitment, several nations stand out with their cutting-edge IT education, thriving tech sectors, and highly skilled workforce in the realm of information technology.

Push and pull factors of migration

People are often pushed from their country of origin or pulled towards another country due to socio-economic reasons, political reasons, and ecological reasons. At the same time, complex social contexts and interactions are part of migration decision-making.

This is part of why it is easier and more attractive to recruit highly skilled individuals from specific countries than others. Additional factors include the quality of education, the existence of tech hubs fostering innovation and exchange, cultural compatibility, English and foreign language skills, and local salary structures.

According to the latest migration report by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, net immigration to Germany is on the rise. In 2021, 1,3 million arrivals and almost 1 million departures were recorded, mainly from and to European countries (about half from and to the EU).

Germany retains its position as the primary destination country for migration compared to other European nations.

9 best countries for global hiring

The leading countries with a remarkable talent in IT and tech can be found in Asia, America, and Europe. They are often emerging markets that provide a pool of young, well-educated, and enthusiastic IT and tech professionals.

There are numerous advantages to hiring international employees, such as introducing innovative ideas and diverse perspectives into the industry.

Our ranking considers factors such as talent pool size, expertise, cost-effectiveness, quality education, and other relevant criteria. Check your potential candidates’ visa requirements for Germany here.

USA (visa exceptions for Germany)

The US is a global technology powerhouse known for its expertise and advancements. World-class universities nurture exceptional talent. Generous grants and funding drive breakthroughs in various industries. The country’s top areas of IT and tech expertise include AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity.

The entrepreneurial spirit and business-friendly climate further fuel innovation and collaboration in the tech sector and beyond. These factors make the US a leader in technology and ideal for international tech recruitment. According to the Bloomberg Innovation Index, the US and Israel are among the most innovative countries.

Young tech recruiter working at office

Israel (visa exceptions for Germany)

Like the US, Israel is recognized as a global hub for tech startups and scores highly in global development indices. The country offers free schooling and affordable higher education, producing a large pool of talented developers, engineers, data scientists, and innovators.

With government support and grants, Israel stands out as a tech success story and is home to a thriving tech scene. Like the US, Israel is renowned for its innovation in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.


Known for its large population of English-speaking, highly-educated tech professionals, India has emerged as a prominent tech hub. The government’s investments in education, digital transformation, and accelerator programs, together with the country’s growing startup scene, have created a favorable environment for companies looking to hire tech talent.

With over 4.5 million people employed in the IT industry, India offers a vast pool of skilled and innovative professionals sought-after by Fortune 500 companies. Its surplus of talent, coupled with affordability compared to other regions, makes India an attractive destination for global talent acquisition.

Today, India is among the most digitally mature countries in the world, with a thriving IT sector that focuses on digital marketing and e-commerce, data analytics and business intelligence, as well as mobile app development.

Poland (EU, EEA, Schengen)

Recently, Poland has gained recognition for attracting tech talent through its flourishing startup scene. The country’s lower operating costs make it an ideal destination for IT services, R&D centers, and software houses.

There are over 100 prestigious graduate-level institutes, and more than 20,000 students in Poland graduate from engineering disciplines every year. Poland’s emphasis on technology in its education system further solidifies its position as a leader in tech and an attractive destination for top tech talent in Europe.

University students graduated in engineering and engineering trades in Poland

Chart of engineering graduates in Poland
Accumulated part-time and full-time; Central Statistical Office of Poland (October 2022)

According to the Harvard Business Review, Poland is among the top five countries with the highest skills in tech.

The country has seven prominent IT hubs and offers cost-effective solutions focusing on cybersecurity, data science, analytics, and game development.


Despite the invasion of Russia into Ukraine, the country continues to be recognized as a prominent tech hub. As of 2022, there were nearly 285,000 IT specialists in Ukraine, many of whom have been compelled to relocate due to the ongoing war.

The country’s strong education system has nurtured exceptional scientists, cyber experts, and coders. These highly motivated and skilled tech professionals offer cost-effective solutions in AI and ML, blockchain and cryptocurrency, IT consulting, and system integration.

Opting to hire tech talent from Ukraine can not only be a smart business decision but also provide opportunities for skilled workers facing adversity in their home country.


China’s significant investments in education and training have led to a skilled workforce in engineering, computer science, and information technology.

The country has abundant talent in artificial intelligence and machine learning, e-commerce and mobile apps, 5G technology, cloud computing, big data, fintech, and digital payment solutions.

China is a global tech hub with successful companies like TikTok, Alibaba, and Tencent. However, language barriers and cultural differences can pose communication challenges.


As the largest country in South America, Brazil is experiencing a growing technology sector with government support for technology development.

Brazil has become an attractive destination for multinational corporations seeking tech talent, especially in information security, e-commerce, digital marketing, and game development.

With more than 475,000 highly skilled developers, software testers, and programmers, Brazil offers a strong talent pool known for its excellent educational background and innovative mindset.


Due to its English-speaking workforce, the Philippines has become a sought-after destination for IT talent.

With its expertise in producing creative and digital content, game development, as well as data science and analytics, the Phillippines attracts BPO companies and outsourcing centers. At the same time, the Philippines offers a cost-effective option for engaging tech talent.

The country has cultivated a pool of tech talent to strengthen its local economy, establishing itself as a vital source of skilled professionals in the global tech landscape.

Czech Republic (EU, EEA, Schengen)

The Czech Republic is emerging as a significant talent pool in Eastern Europe, with 150,000 highly skilled software developers and a thriving community of 7,700 software companies. This is mainly attributed to the country’s emphasis on technical education and government investment in the IT sector, fostering cybersecurity, data science, and analytics, robotics, and automation expertise.

The revenue of the software market of the Czech Republic is estimated to reach 2,2 billion USD in 2028. Tech giants like Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM recognize the country’s innovative tech contributions and have established research and development operations there.

So, where is the best tech talent?

Start your global talent search in emerging countries in Asia (India, China, Philippines), America (USA, Brazil), and Europe (Israel, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic).

All listed countries have proficiency in software development and engineering. Therefore, we have outlined distinctive competencies in the table below.

Country Expertise Opportunities Keep in mind
  • AI and ML
  • cybersecurity
  • outstanding education
  • pioneering research
  • high innovationlevel
higher investment and incentives required to attract talent
  • AI and ML
  • cybersecurity
  • data science
  • exceptional education
  • leading research
  • innovative culture
increased commitment and inducements necessary to hire tech specialists
  • digital marketing, e-commerce
  • data analytics and BI
  • mobile app development
  • surplus of skilled talent
  • excellent education
  • reat English skills
  • cost-effective hiring
overcome barriers related to work culture and style with a customized onboarding process
  • cybersecurity
  • data science and analytics
  • game development
  • large IT talent pool
  • top 5 countries with highest tech skills
  • economical hiring
mitigate language obstacles and differences in business etiquette with a personalized onboarding approach
  • AI and ML
  • blockchain, cryptocurrency
  • IT consulting
  • strong tech skills
  • willingness to relocate
  • lower hiring costs
address language barriers and work culture differences with a customized onboarding strategy, be mindful of the situation in their home country
  • AI and ML
  • e-commerce, mobile apps
  • 5G technology
  • cloud computing, big data
  • fintech, digital payment
  • large pool of IT professionals
  • innovative and highly skilled workforce
  • cultural insights into the world’s largest e-commerce economy
resolve language hurdles and cultural specialties through a detailed onboarding process
  • information security
  • e-commerce, digital marketing
  • game development
  • strong tech education
  • highly qualified IT workforce
  • innovative mindset
create incentives to attract limited specialized talent - overcome language barriers with a comprehensive preparation and integration process
  • creative and digital content
  • game development
  • data science and analytics
  • cultural compatibility to Germany
  • strong English proficiency
  • cost-effective talent
provide attractive remuneration packages to win in-demand tech professionals
Czech Republic
  • cybersecurity
  • data science and analytics
  • robotics and automation
  • high level of technical expertise
  • excellent education
offer competitive salaries and benefits to attract sought-after tech talent

Is your organization struggling to find local skilled technology professionals? At Nioomi, our diverse tech talent pool includes professionals from over 40 nations, including proficient German speakers and individuals from EU countries.

Key takeaways

  • Germany is facing a significant shortage of skilled IT and tech talent, necessitating the adoption of a global hiring strategy.
  • The US, Israel, and India are considered top countries for global talent acquisition, specializing in AI, cybersecurity, and software development.
  • Poland, Ukraine, China, Brazil, the Philippines, and the Czech Republic excel in international tech recruitment, providing strong skills and cost-effective solutions.

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