HR Online Konferenz
Join our workshop at the HR Online Konferenz and learn best practices to help you kickstart your international hiring adventure.
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International Recruiting
Erfolgreiches internationales Recruiting! Lerne, wie du internationale Talente anwirbst und ihnen einen reibungslosen Start in Deutschland ermöglichst.
Why HR Online Konferenz is worth visiting.
Join us at the upcoming HR Online Konferenz, hosted by 4INSIDERS. From September 19th to October 11th, this event promises a wide array of HR insights.
The diverse program includes keynotes, lectures, panel discussions, and workshops, all centered around key HR themes: talent acquisition, HR tech, talent management, employer branding, and leadership.
Stay updated on HR tech, software, payroll management, time and attendance tracking, learning technologies, HR outsourcing, and innovation through online seminars and Q&A sessions with HR experts. Best of all, participation is free.
The HR Online Konferenz features an array of industry experts sharing their practical knowledge and innovative examples. Notably, Nioomi, co-founder and CEO Torben Bursinski will hold a workshop on September 20th, 2023, from 15:00 - 15:50.
Mark your calendar for the HR Online Conference. Elevate your HR knowledge, network with peers, and stay informed about HR innovation.
Join us in shaping the future of HR!